Friday, January 26, 2007

Dinner in Hemet

At Dukes Steakhouse. I had some Prime Rib with real horseradish. Debbie had a great Steak.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Debbie made dinner tonight

Fancy Dinner at Belford's
Originally uploaded by Asheesh & Rashmi.

Tonight, Debbie made a really fancy dinner. Check out the picture and you'll laugh. It wasn't fancy, just some good London Broil, mashed potatoes, salad and for me, Cherry KOOL AID. Ah, now that hits the spot. Kool Aid is the best! Marty, my father in law came over also. shared files shared files

It's nice idea. I think I'll have to check it out.

Feeling sluggish

I've felt really run down the last two days. Not myself, maybe I'm getting sick. I'm going to sleep early tonight. Izzy is already down and I need the rest.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Walla Walla, Washington

Walla Walla, Washington,_Washington

I wonder if it's a good place to live? Debbie and I are thinking about moving as soon as Britty graduates from Academy. It was rated the best place to retire in 2006 by Money magazine. We would not be able to retire, but it has a large Seventh Day Adventist population, and it looks very nice. I need to get out of Southern California, it's just too big. It's not the place I'd like to raise Izzy.


Originally uploaded by MIGUEL™.

The soup menudo is a traditional Mexican dish; a spicy soup made with tripe. It is often thought of a cure for a hangover, and is traditionally served on special occasions or with family. I'd love to have some now. I think Jason and I will be going to El Charo as soon as Debbie wakes-up.