Saturday, March 03, 2007

Moo Cards

I just ordered some Moo Cards.

TextMarks - Welcome - Make information accessible from any cell phone - via text messages. Coordinate Activities. Express Yourself!

TextMarks - Welcome - Make information accessible from any cell phone - via text messages. Coordinate Activities. Express Yourself!

Another interesting service.

Lazy Day

It's a lazy day for me. Izzy is asleep, Debbie is working and Britty is at a rodeo with friends. I'm trying to catch up with my calendar and I started a Tumble log. I'll post the URL from the Tumble log once I've got it finished, and bought a domain for it. I missed going to church today, but I've been reading from the "Daily Reflections" and that always helps to keep me focused on the important stuff. Today it talks about over coming self-will. It's something that plagued me for years, but having Izzy is doing wonders for that. She's really changed for the better. I'm also reading "Everyday Blessings" by Max Lucado each day, today it's about the Spirit freeing us from our sins. I didn't really get anything from that. I feel He already loves me and that I am his son, so I don't worry about it much. The wind is still blowing hard and it's cold outside. I haven't even thought about going for a walk with Izzy. She really likes being outside.

So peaceful

March 3rd 2007 Izzy Sleeping
Originally uploaded by carignan.

I love my baby!

Sabbath morning

I don't think we'll make it to church today. Izzy and Debbie are both sick with a cold. The wind is blowing hard in "The Pass" and I think we'll all stay indoors.

Mindomo - Web-based mind mapping software

Mindomo - Web-based mind mapping software

Mind Mapping on the Web. Pretty neat!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sabbath thinking

Wondering about too many things. I need Him to take it off my mind. I want to focus on Him in church.

Reading is important.

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body."

Richard Steele (1672-1729) Dublin-born British essayist

Read across America was today. I took 26 kids from my school to read Dr. Suess books to Kindergarten through Third grade students at a nearby elementary school, Cloverdale. We all had a blast. I was so happy to see my kids excited to read. They laughed and joked about how they made mistakes, but the little kids didn't even notice. I think it really gave them a boost. I have some very good memories of teaching at elementary school. I wished I would have taken some pictures. The smiles today made me feel so good inside. Someday I'll go back to elementary school and teach. The rest of the day went well.

CUE Conference 2007 Palm Springs

CUE Conference 2007 Palm Springs
Originally uploaded by carignan.

Roger Haeg in the Google Apps class. I was bored to death. He looks high. I didn't get a chance to check to see if he was stoned!

Ryan and Roger @ Starbucks Friday morning.

Ryan and Roger @ Starbucks Friday morning.
Originally uploaded by carignan.

Our regular meeting at 0700 hours at the Starbucks on Perris Blvd in Moreno Valley, just before the start of the school day.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

CUE Conference

Like my day at the CUE Conference in Palm Springs really matters. It was boring and typical teacher n00b tech stuff. Nothing at all interesting. I thought the guys from Wikispaces said they planned on showing up. The classes are too basic and the questions drive me up a wall. Atleast the kids ask good questions, like if I like Jolly Ranchers or not, or if my Blackberry is as cool as my Moto Q. Apple's booth is tiny. I guess this conference isn't for me. I should have gone to SCALE with Eugene. Maybe I can still make it to Linux Expo or Defcon.

Joost Black Badge

Joost Black Badge
Originally uploaded by carignan.

Great service! Let me know if you want an invite. It is still in a very tight beta and I don't get many invites.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Joost Invites

I have two Joost invites. Comment this post if you want one. I only have two invites. It's well worth the effort. A very cool service that works well.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Things went well today.

Everything went well today. I got to school in plenty of time, had everything ready when the kids arrived and gave a pretty good lesson. Everything got graded and handed back. I did sign up for a GrandCentral account and it seems pretty cool so far. Tonight I watched some video on JOOST and it was pretty nice. I watched a National Geographic Special on Arlington National Cemetery. It was a very good show. Some Twittering and now some blogging. I have alot to get finished Wednesday since I'll be at the CUE conference in Palm Springs on Thursday and Friday. I'm worried about the kids and how they will act while I'm gone. It sucks not to be able to untie the knot from work while I'm away from class. I hope they don't rip up the substitute. It is Middle school after all and they can be a handful for anyone. Except me, I like my kids.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Our Honda 2007 Odyssey

Debbie's Honda 2007 Odyssey
Originally uploaded by carignan.

After Britty hit a nice big rock. The dangers of having a teenage driver. I didn't lose my temper. I'm proud of that. I kept a damaged piece of the vehicle to remind myself to be nice to her. I called my parents and asked them to tell her about my driving. I'd been a horrible driver. She was absolutely terrified of how mad I was going to be. Oh well, I guess this is just something else I am going to have to deal with. It will get fixed and life goes on. I didn't stay calm on my own. He helped me. Thank you God for helping me, I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own. Prayer works.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Having alot on my mind

I've had alot on my mind the last few days. I've wondered alot about what is really important, and what might my future might hold. I'm not worried about it. I'll come through whatever happens okay and in fact I see nothing but good things in my future. I'm just thinking to much. I decided that I'm going to make an honest effort at trying to improve myself this year. Be a better person. Really work at it. Make a big effort. My main goal. I'm not really sure how I need to proceed, and maybe that's what keeps my mind thinking so much. What have you done to make yourself a better person?

Dick and Bill

February 24th and 25th 2007 Nice weekend
Originally uploaded by carignan.

Two very nice men from church that I respect a great deal. I sit next to them in church each week. This morning a bunch of guys got together for breakfast and golf at the Calimesa Country Club. Bill and Dick played a two some.

Her mission statement.

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting." Mother Teresa

Something for me to think about.

Izzy throwning the "Looser" sign

February 24th and 25th 2007 Nice weekend
Originally uploaded by carignan.

Hey that's not nice!