Friday, April 05, 2019

Hum true for me

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Android Q Beta 2 on a Pixel XL

I have been running the beta 1 version of Android Q on my Pixel XL, yes the original one, and it runs without any trouble.  If your interested in running the lastest and greatest give it a whirl and see.  I have not had one hiccup.  I do run alot of beta applications on my phone and keep it updated daily so that might be the reason it has run so smooth.  

We Don’t Buy Things with Money, We Buy Them with Hours from our Life

We Don’t Buy Things with Money, We Buy Them with Hours from our Life

So So story

I'm sorry Cussler has become too formulaic for me. The story was just okay. Hopefully he can get his groove back.

Celtic Empire by Clive Cussler

Who Killed the Weekend? - The Guardian - Pocket

Who Killed the Weekend? - The Guardian - Pocket

Monday, April 01, 2019

My Grandmother on my father's side.

I never knew her, she died when my father was a little boy.  My dad had a tough childhood. 

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Wondering if you are the same

Christopher Robbin

Watching the movie with Mom, Kim, and Dave. I really like it and highly recommend it to everyone who has forgotten what is important.

Sometimes the thing to do is nothing. As an adult it seems like nothing stands still for very long like it used too.

It’s been a quiet week

I have been at my Mom’s house for the past week and it’s great seeing her, Kim and Dave. She is getting older, but still is sharp and always ready to go. Kim is very lucky to have such a nice husband, Dave and we all had a good time just relaxing.

Sometimes I just can relate