Sunday, July 26, 2020

Izzy and her Grandmother

At Redrock Canyon outside. of Las Vegas, NV.

Countdown to Retirement: 5 Years Away

Countdown to Retirement: 5 Years Away


Yes, Determinists, There Is Free Will

Yes, Determinists, There Is Free Will


Lonely People May Be Making Themselves Lonelier

Lonely People May Be Making Themselves Lonelier


Tsundoku: The Art of Buying Books and Never Reading Them

Tsundoku: The Art of Buying Books and Never Reading Them


Growing Up Surrounded by Books Could Have Powerful, Lasting Effect on the Mind

Growing Up Surrounded by Books Could Have Powerful, Lasting Effect on the Mind


The Whiners Who Earn $200,000 and Complain They’re Broke | The New Republic

The Whiners Who Earn $200,000 and Complain They’re Broke | The New Republic

How Old Is My Pet in Dog Years or Cat Years? A Veterinarian Explains

How Old Is My Pet in Dog Years or Cat Years? A Veterinarian Explains


The Forgotten Drink That Caffeinated North America for Centuries

The Forgotten Drink That Caffeinated North America for Centuries


The End of Life Hacking

The End of Life Hacking
