Saturday, March 03, 2007

Lazy Day

It's a lazy day for me. Izzy is asleep, Debbie is working and Britty is at a rodeo with friends. I'm trying to catch up with my calendar and I started a Tumble log. I'll post the URL from the Tumble log once I've got it finished, and bought a domain for it. I missed going to church today, but I've been reading from the "Daily Reflections" and that always helps to keep me focused on the important stuff. Today it talks about over coming self-will. It's something that plagued me for years, but having Izzy is doing wonders for that. She's really changed for the better. I'm also reading "Everyday Blessings" by Max Lucado each day, today it's about the Spirit freeing us from our sins. I didn't really get anything from that. I feel He already loves me and that I am his son, so I don't worry about it much. The wind is still blowing hard and it's cold outside. I haven't even thought about going for a walk with Izzy. She really likes being outside.

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