Monday, March 06, 2006


I sure didn't sleep well last night. My back was killing me. I don't think I got more then three hours of sleep. Debbie left this morning for a business trip to Tucson, AZ. She is going to be gone all week. She flew out of Ontario, CA and it's just a short flight. She's been transferred to the Education Department of Misys. She'll be teaching customers about the system. I'm afraid that might mean quite a bit of travel for her. I'm really going to miss her. I never sleep well when she's not next to me in bed at night. School was cool today, nothing exciting. Ryan's girlfriend broke-up with him. That's really bad, he deserves better. I wish he'd find a nice girl and settle down. I think he'd be a good husband and father. He's just that nice of a person. I ran a few errands on the way home. Then I picked up Britty. I just spent the night watching the History Channel.

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